Mood: a-ok
Last Friday night was a full moon. Mike and I had a Wiccan ritual, a first for me. It was conducted in the dark by candelight. There is the forming of a circle, drawn on the floor with the sweeping gesture of a branch of an evergreen tree. There was a consecration and annoitment of each participant with a pentacle on our forehead. There is a nod to the four elements of air, fire, water and earth. A smoking piece of inscense, the candle flame, a cup of wine, and a bowl with sea salt and the herb sage. There was the burning of relics, little bits of paper towl that had been soaked in Mike's blood, his tears, and his sweat. I pinched off a bit of my hair and added that to the cauldren too. And all that was preparation for the part where you pray with all your might. When I went to church as a kid I always loved the silent prayer portion of the service. It is the point where you talk to God. Not sing, not listen to little soulful lessons, not ritual, but one on one. It feels pure. It feels holy.
Christian prayer and Wiccan prayer are a little different. The way Mike advised was for me to imagine the circumstance that I wanted changed, changed. It is a little less a humble asking and a little more a willful telling. The will of the person is thrown whole heartedly into the praryer. For instance, I wished for help in writing my lecture speach and creating a new painting. So I imagined myself doing these things and doing them well. I asked for help from God for my future accomplishments, but I put a great deal of burdan on myself, what I really asked for was the ability to simply do my best. If you aren't religious then what is pschologically happening is clear. You are aiding yourself to do something by visualization means. If you are religious then what happens is that you are asking for a blessing.
While I silently prayed I held in my hand an authentic silver dollar, old and made out of solid silver. Mike held in his hands a small pyramid shaped piece of the natural mineral rock hemetite. These talsimans were intended as a link to the natural world of the earth. (Because in Wicca God resides not in heaven, but in the earth and the things of the natural, living world.) If we had been praying outside with our bodies touching the earth then we would imagine our thoughts going directly into the ground. But since we conducted the ritual in our apartment bedroom these talismans were the focus for our prayers, I my prayer in a very pagen way, was directed into a silver dollar. After everything was done I buried both talismans in the ground in our back yard. Before the next full moon we will dig up our talismans and use them again.