I am waiting for warmer weather. Yesterday it was bitterly cold but today's high is 40 degrees.
The big thing to accomplish today is taking a walk with Plum Pudding. I have typed up several pages of my book and eaten breakfast. I have to keep my objective clear in my mind's eye, try to psych myself into the behavior. Taking a walk is never an impulsive thing, it is planned behavior. The natural tendency because of my illness and isolation is to just lie in bed.
Yesterday I helped Mike prepare part of his book proposal for an agent. The agent he is submitting to wants a synopsis of his book. Mike went through his entire manuscript chapter by chapter and created this long list of events. The trouble he ran into is that some information that seemed self evident to the author never made it into the synopsis, and other information that was trivial was added to the synopsis. In the author's eyes no part of their book is trivial. What I did was take his chapter breakdown and create a three page story. A synopsis should read like an easy flowing story I think. Now Mike saw his book through my eyes. He is going to take my synopsis and re-write it. But the fat has been trimmed and the holes in the plot are glaringly self evident.
Today work on my own book continued. Now I have a game plan for how to continue. First I finish typing the manuscript into the computer. Then I finish the manuscript, add an ending on to it. I should be ready to start writing new material in about a month's time. Probably it will take me six months to nine months to finish the book. Then I take the book manuscript and start a re-write at the beginning. So far I am telling the story as if it were my story, with all the correct details and honest facts and honest reactions. But when I re-write it I want the narrator to become a character who is not me. It will become Isabelle's story, a work of fiction, and stop being Karen's story, a work of non-fiction. I want to take at least a year re-writing the book into a work of fiction.
Meanwhile I have a new policy about reading books. I went to the library last Saturday. I got one fiction book by a dead author and one fiction book by a living author. From now on there will always be that ratio, my natural tendency is only to read dead authors. I guess I don't feel threatened by them. They aren't the competition and they are removed from my experience of contemporary society. But if I'm going to become a contemporary author I need to immerse myself in contemporary literature. I need to know as many ways as possible of what can be, instead of what was.