Topic: mental health
Today my husband and I start a project to chart my progress on Geodone. We will use a diary and then transfer the information to a spreadsheet for analysis.
Yesterday was a big work day, I spent many hours painting and then had a normal evening. The need to chart when I take my medication and how much is now pressing because we don't understand the correlation between good mood and good cognition, the good days, and the schizophrenic symptoms - of which I am having unusually short, strong episodes. We treat the illness as fast as we can with medication, but, when the symptoms strike we are still slow to recognize them for what they are. It is hard to differentiate general tiredness from a downward schizophrenic cycle.
We will chart when I take the Geodone, how much, periods of high stress and/or work, energy levels, and symptoms of the illness. Here is a sample of today's diary entry:
7am- woke with a clear mind. At 9am ate breakfast and took 20mgG(odone). Quiet activity, level mood. Beaded a necklace.
11am-2pm Worked at the Museum. Dynamic and talkative, social and interactive, responsible for visitor's admissions and sales from the gift shop. Medium/high stress.
3pm obviously tired. 40mgG
schizophrenic symptoms start at 5pm, treated with medication at 7pm. Take my normal evening dose of 60mgG with 1/2 tablet of a klonopin narcotic to calm me.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with #10 being the worst, my husband rated me a #9. Lost ability to speak. No eye contact and repetative motion, clawing at the wall. Scratched self a bit. Needed to be restrained by husband so not to damage the wall.
8pm regain sense of humor and start teasing my husband, suggesting that he is having homosexual fantasies. We watch a movie together. I enjoy the movie.
10pm wide awake. Tiny echo of schizophrenic emptiness. Loss of meaning, ie. all activities are similarly futile. Have energy but difficult to focus and find a direction. Blog and return to beading project. Maybe read before bed.