London in Vermont
vegas lucky
Topic: family
The friendly cat, who is afraid of no body and no thing, is called "Miss Grey".
Occationally when she is in a generous mood the dogs are "Miss Plum" and "Mr. Cerberus". The dogs frequently are misbehaving, but they are also very cute, so they pull at your heart strings in every direction. Boo, the black cat who is skittish and does not like change is addressed as plain Boo. And I am called "Miss Karen".
This could be a sarcastic title, because traditionally young people don't get along with a step mother. But given the evidence of how the animals are treated, how their name changes when they are favored, I'm of the opinion that my nickname is an endearment.
"Miss Karen" is also always said in sweet tones. Perhaps her voice is always sweet. Eh, I'm won over.
London came to us on July 2nd, one day before her 21st birthday. My husband and I had been preparing our home for a foster child who we wished to eventually adopt. As part of the state investigation into our home and life, we needed five letters of reference from friends or relatives. London wrote us a beautiful letter of reference. It was emailed for us to proof read. Yet the original letter dragged and was slow to be sent out. And so I wondered, did this show a bit of reluctance?
During a Father's Day phone conversation it came out that London was unhappy. She was doing what she could to change her circumstances. But from her perspective it seemed that the person who was going to benefit from the new experience of financial and emotional stability in her father's life would be our adopted child. It wasn't just jealousy. It is my guess that London was angrey at a world that had moved on too quickly, her childhood rights and privilages had ended, and any chance to live in a safe, nurturing enviornment had passed.
While Mike was at work I sent him an email. The idea popped into my head that we could invite London to live with us, on our dollar, while she returned to school. The foster child was not real yet, just a future phantom, and we had real family that had real needs to minister to first. Since our apartment is only two bedroom the choice had to be between one child or the other. Our resources are limited.
The first night London was here I asked her to dream a bit. If she could get anything out of her stay with us, what would that be? London said her first wish was to re-connect with her father and simply enjoy his company. Her second wish was to stay long enough to get her Bachelor's degree. A friend had warned her that his Associate's degree had done nothing to help him find work. This news delighted both Mike and myself because we wanted, when London was ready to launch into the world, her to go with as much strength and advantage as possible.
Mike had been secrety hoping for some time that we might open our door and have London stay with us. However, he rightly guessed that the only way it could happen without my feeling resentment (a new bride wanting a young child of her own.....) would be if the idea was first suggested by me rather than him. So he played a waiting game and kept his finger's crossed. Never did I feel pressured or manipulated. Quite the opposite. Interesting husband I have.
Happily, London is a young woman who brushes her teeth every day, makes her bed every morning, does laundry frequently, and takes her dog into her shower with her. Thus she always smells fresh, her dog's fur is soft, and her room is always neat when you walk by and look in. Our apartment is old so the walls are very thick and we can't hear her hardly at all when she talks on the phone or listens to television. Most of the time she is on her computer. A self proclaimed "geek", London's obsession is Japanese anime and internet role playing games. Both fantasy pursuits she takes seriously and spends long hours quietly entertaining herself. There is an enormus amount of writing involved in the online roleplaying games and from what I hear she creates very popular, memorable characters. My guess is that one day London will become a famous published author of science fiction or fantasy books and people will look at her life and exclaim with envy, "You get paid for doing that?!"
Posted by dignifyme
at 9:28 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 July 2006 9:02 AM EDT