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Wednesday, 23 August 2006
Baby Came Home
Mood:  spacey
Topic: family

Brought the dog home today from her kennel at the vetrinarian.  We borded her originally for a rabies quarenteen because she nipped a kid at a park.  After ten days we could take her home but by then my husband and I had flown to San Francisco to attend my sister's wedding. 

Plum Pudding has lost a lot of weight.  I can't imagine she was very happy at the vetrinarian, especially given our emotional state of my huband and I when we manditorily handed her over.  She has borded before, althought never this long, and never has there been visible weight loss.  Now her head looks too big for her body and her hip bones are prominant.  Happily she has already eaten two small meals at home.


Posted by dignifyme at 7:57 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 August 2006 10:39 PM EDT
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