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Friday, 11 August 2006
The Dog is Gone
Mood:  blue
Topic: family

I couldn't write here in my blog about what happened until several days had passed. 

My dog is safe, but she is in manditory rabies quarenteen at a local vet for ten days.  It is an expensive slap on the wrist and I'm sure a comfort to the parents of the little girl that she nipped at the playground.  My husband brought the dog there and then let it off leash.  Something he knew I would have never, ever allowed.  In our town it is not legal for dogs to be off leash.  And our dog in particular has lost all training when she is with my husband.  He is incapable of being a doggie authority figure for her and she knows it. 

This post is so painful to write.  I feel shame, guilt, fear, anger and worry.  The bite was to the eight year old's back and while Plum Pudding broke the skin the bite did not require stitches or a doctor's attention.  Thank goodness.  One hour after the incident the little girl was back at the park riding her bicycle on the sidewalk.  My dog was trying to herd the moving target - without training her herding instinctinks take over and bicylcles and cars and joggers are all targets for little nips.  It isn't aggression but it is a dominence gesture. 

About a month ago I forbid my husband to take Plum to the park on a fifteen foot training leash.  I had talked to a neighborhood parent who expressed fear about a lunging german shepherd and I got a good image of how wild Plum must be behaving when my husband takes her out.  With me she heels right by my side.  My husband she pulls.  I told my husband that now he was only allowed to walk her on a conventional short leash - a better means of controlling her.  Apparently my husband walked her on the leash to the park and then let her off the leash.  After the bite he mumbled something about hoping to give her practice in  "learning how to socialize" but it was laziness and daydreaming to think that giving a dog more freedom results in better behavior.  My husband let her off the leash becasue is gave him the chance to relax and smoke a cigarret or read a book free of responsibility.

When Plum comes home my husband is not allowed to ever walk or take care of her again.  He failed her and he failed me.  I'm scared becasue if Plum bites again there can be a police hearing to determine whether or not to put her to sleep.  Now her life is in my hands.  I wish we lived out in the country near woods with a couple of acres of land but we don't.  We live in a small town near the center of town where the buildings butt walls five feet apart.  Plum has to exist with people and I have to make certain that she is domesticated in any situation.  It will be more work for me, but I do look forward to having a closer relationship with my dog. 


Posted by dignifyme at 6:03 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 11 August 2006 7:50 PM EDT
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