Mood: irritated
Topic: family
The cats are beautiful while they sleep. It is so hot here that they lie with furry tummies showing, paws splayed every which way. Even as they sleep they are graceful. And one position is never comfortable for very long. They are continuously stretching and then shifting, eyes closed.
The heat doesn't make me look beautiful. I feel like a wet noodle. We have an air conditioner that we could use in the bedroom (and then I would live in the bedroom) but we are saving money and not using it. Our frugal living makes me proud. But the heat combined with lousey eating habits is sapping my strength and giving me migrain headaches. My bras are getting destroyed as well. I sweat, the fabric weakens, and the underwire starts a tear and pokes out.
The dog Cerberus has found the coolest spot in the house. It is the tile bathroom floor. Twice I have had to take his collar and drag him out of the bathroom, he is so reluctant to move. Now I just let him lie by the toilet and step over him.