Topic: art in progress
Just a note before I go to my volunteer job at the Museum. I'm dressed in black silk - starting to fit into my clothing again because of Geodone.
Today I am taking a photographic reference book with me so that I can draw a male nude to include in my next painting. He has the head of a deer. Big question. Should I put a loin cloth on him? I want the viewer to see that he had a well developed, broad chest (all the better to hold a head with a big snout and big set of antleres). To see the width of the chest the man needs to be tilted toward the viewer. Strick profile would hide his genitals, especially if he is in mid stride. But what I want is a three quarter view of his torso and that would include the thing that gives the painting a sexual charge.
My gut tells me that this character (for he is that, something and someone from my unconscious mind) is completely nude. And that there is a reason for his nudity. He is a force of nature, fey, bold, and primitive. And then there is the rest of the painting to concider. The other character is a woman clothed in a very modest dress with fabric starting under her chin covering everything down to the ground. You can see her feet but not her hands. The male's nudity is pictoral contrast to this other creature, pure and simple.
Is there any way to draw a penis so that it doesn't look sexual?