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Wednesday, 22 February 2006
Personal Profile
Mood:  spacey
Topic: email questions
The question to be answered is a simple profile.

What is your age, your job, situation with marriage and children and where do you live?

Last month, January 2006, I turned 38 and got married for the second time. My first marriage lasted four years and was to man who had a mental illness of the same chronic and disabling nature as my own.

The man I am now married to, Michael, is older than me and has a grown daughter from a previous marriage. He has a management job position in manufacturing and no history of mental illness. We have discussed having children but decided that it is too medically difficult for me to have any by natural methods.

Currently I am a volunteer at the Brattleboro Museum of Fine Arts. In the past I have been a museum docent and worked at a museum information desk. I am also enrolled in the River Gallery Art School, a small non-profit organization that provides me with studio space and informal art instruction.

My husband and I moved from Connecticut to Brattleboro, Vermont last summer and so far it has been a difficult transition. We moved because my mother has rental property in Brattleboro that needed management. This property has also provided us with a beautiful, inexpensive apartment to live in.

We have three pets that all love and demand attention. I trained our long haired german shepherd with the help of a man who trains police dogs. We also have two cats who were rescue adoptions.

Posted by dignifyme at 3:00 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 February 2006 7:47 PM EST
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